A friend of mine recently asked me to share a list of best Indian films I have seen. It is usually a tricky question to answer, because the best is always based on my mood when I saw the film but, this one has stood the test of time.
"Matrubhoomi" is just gut wrenching to watch. The movie starts with a scene showing female infanticide, and takes us not too far into the future without women, staying true to its tagline "a nation without women". This is definitely not fiction for large parts of India which still thinks a girl child is a curse.
The land without a Women, premise sets up the films narrative dealing with frustrated young men. There are several funny situations up until they find the only women alive. What happens to a world when one women becomes the last of her kind, is what unfolds next.
The movie is not for the fainthearted, It is a tough film to watch but, it reflects and resonates the kind of thinking in our country. Thoughts that does not just belong to the older generation or the their fathers or forefathers, this is very much still hidden inside the bedrooms of the affluent and poor alike.
This was Manish Jha's first feature film and he has come up with a winner all the way. To be able to write something like this and get it made itself deservers kudos. How a film like this has escaped the mainstream cinema is not a surprise.
The only way film makers can dare to create such cinema is when, we watch and spread the word.